Back to school season is a time filled with excitement: new supplies, new classes, old friends. But it can also be filled with dread and anxiety: an unfamiliar school, the day-to-day routine, the challenges of learning. For college students and high school students, there is an easy way to put your best foot forward as you head back to school.
After a long Summer where you probably didn’t have to remember a lot of things, you can start your year off right by getting ready to fill your head with new knowledge.
1. Review our memory tips
Our last seven blogs have covered some very helpful memory tips. You should especially check out the Academic Learning Styles blog and the Memory Tips 1 and 2. Both of these contain information that you can start using on day one. You can also find out your personal learning style, which greatly contributes to your ability to remember. In fact, knowing your learning style acts as a foundation on which you can plan your entire study routine.
If you have any questions about these blogs, or even want to schedule an appointment with a career coach to make a plan for how to achieve your best this school, contact us!
2. Do it for the learning
When we talk about memory in the context of school, most people think about rote memorization. This may be unfortunately true in our public school system, but it is not always true. Improving your memory does not mean only rote memorization. You have probably already noticed that when it comes to remembering things you are really interested in and passionate about, your memory is accurate and sharp. You can recall any episode from your favorite TV show, or any fact about a particular sports star. The same can be true if you dedicate yourself to your school subjects.
One of the best ways of doing this is to apply yourself outside of class. For example, recalling a fact just once, out loud, outside of class increases the likelihood of you remembering that thing. There are plenty of instances in normal everyday conversation that you can bring up something you learned in a class recently. Or, plan to meet with your teacher or professor to talk about what you have been covering. This is a great way to not only actually learn something, but also help it stick in your mind.
3. Stay healthy
You have probably already heard about the importance of a healthy diet and good sleep habits when it comes to

A few simple stretches every hour will reactivate your brain, making it able to remember what you’re studying
memory and academic performance. Those are well-researched studies that should not be ignored. Stay away from highly processed foods like chips, pre-prepared meals, and sugary or highly caffeinated drinks. Drink water and eat high-protein foods while studying and when you feel hungry. Sleeping has an especially strong connection to a great academic performance. Never put yourself in a situation where you have to trade in a good night of sleep for meeting a deadline.
Studying in short, efficient bursts is also much more effective than cramming for 8 hours. Take breaks, stretch, take a walk or jog, or play a sport every couple hours. This helps support your brain by keeping it well-rested, energized with necessary food, and oxygenated.
These three simple changes will help you be your best at school this year. With a sharper memory, you will not only learn things that will equip you for your future, you just might up your grades in the meantime! If you want more tips, or even a plan, on how to achieve the most in school, make an appointment with The Career Profiler today.