Aptitude for sports success

Aptitude for Sports



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Love playing sports – but never made the cut to the big leagues? Or is your child involved in sports and you want to ensure their success? You can find out if you or your child is on the road to stardom! Of course, only a very small percentage of sports players become professional, and that’s for good reason. Great sportspeople most certainly have an aptitude behind their skill. Unlike what you may think, aptitudes are not useless pieces of information. They determine if you succeed in your job, they drive you towards certain kinds of work, and they are huge factors in how happy you are.

Recently, the sports industry has recognized this and started using “brain games” to scout out future stars. BrainsFirst is one such company that tests for concentration, complex decision making, and ability to shift attention quickly. These are three aptitudes that help a person excel in sports. The thing is, assessing ability through “games” or tests is nothing new!

The U.S military and Henry Ford were some of the first to widely implement tests of ability and aptitude. Perhaps you yourself have taken an assessment as part of a job interview, like running through a list of letters and numbers, or playing an observation game. These are all legitimate ways of assessing if a person’s strengths are compatible with the job. Including soccer star!

Aptitude for sports successSuch games and tests are designed to determine natural abilitynot a skill that one has practiced or developed. This means that you cannot significantly improve your performance on such a test. This may sound worrisome at first – what if your next job interview includes one of these test! – but there is really nothing to worry about. If you know what your aptitudes are, you will not waste your time looking for a job that does not use your aptitudes. Then, you will not fail any test that might be presented in the interview. Perhaps best of all, you will not experience the crushing disappointment of rejection. 

Can The Highlands Ability Battery Help Me?

Yes! The Career Profiler most highly recommends taking The Highlands Ability Battery to find what your aptitudes are. This test publisher calls aptitudes abilities. They do not test for hand-eye coordination, but there are plenty of other abilities that contribute to being a great sports player. The grip test determines a person’s competitiveness. Having strong rhythm memory can determine how well your body can learn a new sport. There are plenty of abilities that contribute to your ability to play a sport.

It’s best to learn your aptitudes now. By knowing your aptitudes before a job search, you can go into any interview with confidence that it’s a job that you will make you happy and successful. Take The Highlands Ability Battery today! Know your aptitudes and you will know what to do and be with certainty! 

Posted in Career Satisfaction.