Knowing aptitudes makes you happier

Know your Aptitudes for Career Success and Happiness

Ever wonder what actually makes you successful and happy in a career? It’s not only the external factors of your job. It’s actually your aptitudes!

In my twenty years of experience as a career coach, I’ve noticed that some of my successful clients, who climbed the ladder to top positions in their company, were still not happy! They hated what they were doing despite the fact that they were successful. The reason they came to me is because they realized that they valued happiness over success. I showed them how they could have both.

This battery of 19 abilities tests is only one to identify driving abilities aka demanding abilities

The Highlands Ability Battery tests for 19 career aptitudes

Let’s start at the beginning. How did you choose your current profession? If you’re like most people, it was some combination of interest and circumstance. You may have floundered at college, looking for a major that seemed right. Finally, you settled on what seemed easiest and most fun because you always heard to choose your passion and the money would follow. Or maybe you picked a business major so you could get a management position right out of school. Maybe you just happened to stumble upon a job ad, or have a friend who recommended you.

Unfortunately, what you didn’t know is that all of these are set-ups for an unhappy career. Picking a career for any of these reasons is like planting a tree upside-down and expecting it to grow. First, you have to know what your innate aptitudes are in order to branch out and find a career that makes you happy.

What are Career Aptitudes?

Aptitudes are not skills that can be taught. They are talents that you are born with. However, most of us have never heard of them and don’t have any idea which ones we have, or how they affect our job performance. But doesn’t everyone know what their talents are? No, in fact, not everyone. We’re not talking about a talent for music or sports. The aptitudes that determine career fit, success, and happiness are underlying abilities and drives that make a person easily and happily achieve success as an athlete, musician, or CEO.

You may say you have a talent for engineering, when in fact it’s a result of your aptitude for spatial organization. Or maybe you’re interested in finance and like paperwork, and thus think you would make a good accountant. However, it’s actually visual dexterity and memory aptitudes that determine if you would be happy and successful in accounting. There is a set of aptitudes that correspond to every job, from receptionist to rocket scientist. The most successful and content professionals in every field have natural aptitudes that make that job suitable for them. Click here to learn more about aptitudes and why they make you happy.


Use your abilities at work!

How we use our abilities in the time we have each day

Our aptitudes tell us the  fields in which we can achieve success, and even the jobs within each field that will suit us best. Knowing your abilities can help you develop a career pathway that will give you a lifetime of fulfillment and financial well-being. Isn’t this what you want?

Even though you may not be aware of your aptitudes right now, it’s it’s easy to find out! You can find your abilities by taking an aptitudes test. The Highlands Ability Battery measures 19 different areas where each person has innate talent or a lack thereof. This is the aptitude test that I most strongly recommend. After identifying your career aptitudes, it gives you a list of careers that fit with these aptitudes. This is a great head-start on your new job search.

Finally, it’s also a great idea to make an appointment with The Career Profiler, or even just shoot me a question! Want to know which of your aptitudes are most important? Maybe you’re just not sure what to do with all the information! Fill out the form below and never guess again about whether you’ll love or hate your next job. Know what to do and be… with certainty!


Career Satisfaction Tests

Career Satisfaction Tests

Are you feeling dissatisfied with your job? Can’t seem to get along with your coworkers or boss? Unhappy with the kind of work you’re doing? Don’t want to fall into a boring job again? There’s a way to know what kind of job will make you happy – with certainty! A career satisfaction test is a test that provides a list of careers based on different elements of you. You can take a test that measures your interests (what you like), your personality (how you generally operate), or your abilities (what you can do). You can also take a test that combines these elements. All of these different types of tests are geared towards helping you find a job in which you are satisfied.

Found satisfying career with career satisfaction test

Find a satisfying career with a career satisfaction test!

Interests Tests

The most common career test is an interest test. Interest tests assess how much you like certain aspects of work and match you with jobs that most closely fit with those patterns. I recommend the Strong Interest Test, the best interest test on the market today.

Personality Tests

Another important way to find a satisfying career is to use a personality test. However, few personality tests offer career-specific information. But the Myers Briggs Test does. It supplies you with a list of careers that suit your personality based on the personalities of professionals in those fields. It is likely that a career that fits your personality will result in career satisfaction.

Abilities Tests

The last type of test is an ability test. The two most common ability tests are CAPS and THAB. When you’re looking for career satisfaction, the THAB is by far the most superior career ability test. The unique thing it does is show which of your abilities demand expression. This is critical for career satisfaction. If you’re dissatisfied with your job right now, you might want to think, “What am I good at doing? What do I love doing? Am I able to do those things in my job right now?” If the answer is no, these may be abilities that demand expression. This means happiness is hard to find if your job doesn’t require you to use those abilities. Check out THAB Ability Assessment for Adult General Work Ability Test.

After taking one or more of these tests, it is a smart idea to make an appointment with The Career Profiler. I can help you understand and apply your results. Together we can make a plan to prepare for a job that will make you happy, then land that job and get promoted! With my help you can find the job that makes you most satisfied. Fill out the form at the bottom of the page if you want help finding the best job for you.

Career Satisfaction Tests: Combination

Probably the best approach to take when seeking a satisfying career is to purchase a career testing package. This combination of tests assesses all three of the critical internal components of career satisfaction: interests, abilities, and personality. For this I recommend the following package: OPTIM’s Best Suited Career Fit / Career Match Tests

I wish there were less exensive options, but none of them could achieve what this package can. If you truly need a less expensive package, I’d recommend one that assesses interests and abilities such as SII ADULT GENERAL Expanded Career Profile and Summary plus THAB Adult Ability Battery

If you’re concerned about your or your employee’s career satisfaction, check out these two blogs:

Know if Its Career Satisfaction or Job Satisfaction And Why It Matters

Is it Career Satisfaction or Job Satisfaction?


Career Personality and Career Personality Tests: part 4

Part 4: Other Career Theories (not Career Personality theories)

Some of the career trait theory tests do not measure personality characteristics but instead measure abilities, aptitudes and values. While these do not fall into career personality theories, tests of this nature should be considered as part of your career decision process.

Career ability tests are almost the same as career aptitude tests with an expanded and more detailed explanations for career applications such as the Highlands Ability Battery. They identify where a person’s ability to perform in a certain career role and could be viewed therefore as providing some insight to career success.  Career values tests, of which there are few useful ones on the market with the exception of Career Anchors, assess ones current priorities critical for making a final career decision.

In addition to career type and trait theories, there are factor and life span theories.  Holland’s typology could be categorized as factor theory in that it classifies occupations by certain task factors.  The Strong Interest Inventory is the best career test example of this career theory.  Others include Self-Directed Search and Campbell Interest Inventory.

Life span career theory is the final other type of career theory.  Donald Super constructed the life span and life space theory identifying the critical influences on a person in different roles and life stages. Few tests are available for life span theories.  Assessment of life span typically relies on paper pencil exercises or career interviews with a career counselor or career coach.

Career personality testing is usually one of the first steps a career coach or career counselor should take you through once they have assessed a person’s career needs.  A Life Span assessment should be included in the assessment or career profiling phase and ideally should follow the career personality testing phase.

Career Life Span Assessments identify key career and work values and the current priority of these values which a person uses to ultimately decide upon one of the possible suitable career paths.  It also identifies current lifestyle needs and influences of others on the decision.  If ever a person struggles with choosing between career options, it is wise to engage in a  type of life span assessment.  The Career Profiler identifies the life span assessment phase as the nurture part of the profiling step.  See Career Steps Model.