Why The Career Profiler Loves The Highlands Ability Battery

The Highlands Ability Battery is an aptitude test. But not just any aptitude test! In The Career Profiler’s opinion, it is the single best tool for finding a career that makes you happy and successful. Yes! Both!

Take the Highlands Ability Battery today

The Career Profiler loves The Highlands Ability Battery

The Career Profiler loves The Highlands Ability Battery so much because:

  • Its technology is based on 50 years of research
  • Objective measures – no guessing like in all other tests. Rather than answering questions about yourself like in the MBTI – “I find it difficult to introduce myself to people” True or False – you complete tasks and puzzles that directly test whether or not you have that aptitude
  • The best test for understanding and improving work performance. Knowing your abilities helps you know what you are naturally good and bad at. When you know this, you can delegate tasks you are bad at to someone with that aptitude. Similarly, you can increase the amount of work that aligns with your aptitudes and find greater success in those areas!
  • Provides crucial information for career decisions. It’s important to make smart career decisions. Take several career tests. Research the industry. Talk about it with your family. Talk about it with a career coach. The Career Profiler most strongly recommends taking The Highlands Ability Battery along with a few other tests in order to get the most crucial information for your career decision: “What career makes me happy?”
  • Most profoundly, the The Highlands Ability Battery assesses your REASONabilitiesTM (Ra). There are at least 13 REASONablitiesTM of which you can possess only 6. What makes them so profound is that they are correlated with mental health needs.  In other words, your happiness depends on fulfilling your REASONabilityTM needs.  Want to find what makes you happy? – Take the Highlands Ability Battery to find out what “Ra” ‘needs’ are demanding fulfillment.
  • Answers, not guesses – if you combine this test with two other tests (such as Strong Interest, MBTI, etc.) you can know what to do and be with certainty. Taking only one or two tests usually results in a long list of careers that is hard to choose intelligently from. These kinds of tests give you guesses. The Highlands Ability Battery cross-references these career-oriented results with what is innate and driving in you. The Highlands Ability Battery gives answers, not guesses.
  • Includes free consultations! I developed a workbook twice as extensive as the one provided by The Highlands Ability Battery. In multiple sessions, I can walk you through your results and explore career options – FOR FREE!
  • Lowest price anywhere online, with more information than other consultants

In the Words of The Career Profiler

“I have been looking for this kind of test since I began my career more than 30 years ago. The Highlands Ability Battery tells you what is driving in you. It identifies the things that really push you. You gain an outline of your personal keys to both happiness and success. It changed my life – it told me why I am the way I am – the things that lie underneath my personality and actions.

“For example, I had the means to buy a beautiful new home, but because of  The Highlands Ability Battery, I knew that I needed to live in a house that I could renovate myself. This decision brought me happiness and success in my home. You can find the same thing in your personal life, relationships, and career.”

What are you waiting for? There is a fool-proof way to find the perfect career for you! Head to TestEts and start on your road to happiness and success today!


Posted in Career Satisfaction, Career Success, Happiness.