components of career personality

Career Personality and Tests: part 2

What is Career Personality? Part 2: Components

A career personality is made up of interest styles, operational styles, behavioral response styles, and interpersonal styles on the grand scope. Different kinds of personality tests measure these different components.

Career personality also consists of more specific characteristics. These include decision-making, problem-solving, leading, energy orientation, perceiving, relational needs, relational response, communication, and team styles. This list of specific traits encompasses the most common personal characteristics assessed by career tests. Each career personality test measures multiples characteristics based on its theory and measurement type.

What is your career personality? It is important to know so that you can select projects, jobs, and activities that use your strengths, talents, style. These are your career assets. When you choose work that matches your career personality – that engages your career assets – you will most likely become more successful and happy! This is because you find your work interesting, engaging, easy (to a degree), and fulfilling.

Career secret:  When you utilize your career assets in work,  you are set up to experience career success.  When you don’t, you set yourself up to struggle and even fail. Know your career personality – find career success.