Career Profiler helps you find interests with interest test

Interest Tests

Do you feel disinterested or lethargic? Never seem to find anything that holds your attention? Or maybe you’re a college student or wanting to go to college, but can’t settle on a major?  

If you’ve been keeping up with our blogs, you know by now that there are certain personal attributes and aptitudes that can lead to these feelings. Some of the solutions include expensive, complicated tests and consultations. But it doesn’t always have to be this hard! 

An Interest Test is one of the easiest, most straightforward ways of answering the question, “What do I want to do?” These tests are often used in schools, as early as middle school, to help students define their schooling.  But it’s not only for students.

Most often, people find that what they’re interested in is also what they’re good at. And chances are, if you’re good at something you have it as an aptitude! This is great news for you, no matter how old you are, because this has a lot to say about your career. 

Types of Interest Tests

Some Interest Tests generate a generic career list that most people with your interests are in. Others are more sophisticated and actually match you with a career. There are four major Interest Tests that The Career Profiler recommends:

  1. Strong Interest Inventory: One of the most reliable interest tests. Helps you define and organize your interests, goals, and calling.

    Find perfect career with interest test

    Your Interest Test results can take the “shape” of the perfect career for you!

  2. Campbell Interest Test: Specifically geared towards college students, this test gauges vocational interests and skills with the goal of making a career plan.
  3. Career Occupational Preference System (COPS): This test clusters together different fields of study, careers, and activities. This helps people find the college major or career that’s right for them.
  4. Self-Directed Search: Developed by John Holland, this test “matches your aspirations, activities, and talents to the career choices and educational opportunities that fit you best.”

The first two are the more sophisticated, thorough, and accurate tests. This means they are also more expensive. The second two are simpler and easier, as well as cheaper. Make an appointment with The Career Profiler to find out which one will best fit your needs.

Interest Tests organize your interests in a way that helps career direction emerge. For students, they help define course selection. Your results can also help you set goals and organize your time Whether you’re a teenager hoping to decide on a major or an octogenarian looking for a new hobby, an interest test might be the push in the right direction that you need!

Posted in Career Satisfaction.